User is a professional media account operator who has recently been invited to share their years of industry experience. They are looking for assistance in writing an article on how to promote a WeChat public platform on a website platform, focusing on the "WeChat Official Account Platform" for a comprehensive understanding. The article should demonstrate their professionalism and incorporate their years of industry experience. The content should include the following requirements: the structure of the article should be written in a large network, and only the content of the article should be output. The final output result should be an article rather than a large network, and the title of the entire article should not be highly interactive and should provide high-quality content, dynamic form of content, clear train of thought, and the parameters of the price need to include multiple major points, up to 2 or more major points, and each major point needs to add a corresponding sequence number, with a detailed description of 150 words left and right for each major point, the more detailed the description, the better; the detailed description should include a suitable introduction to attract readers, the introduction does not need a title, with 100 words left and right; and a general conclusion, the output result should not have "opening," "closing," "conclusion," "total," these eight words, the conclusion section does not need a title; each major point in the content should be interspersed with a hyperlink ""或者有任何修改意见,请随时告诉我!